Find 5 interesting facts out about the food you made for our FOOD FIESTA or choose ONE of the recipes you translated to research! Please post your facts in English or Spanish on our blog site!
Facts can include:
· A picture (just inserting the link is fine)
· Ingredients (in Spanish)
· Where the food is typically eaten (country/region/city)
· Why the food is prepared (special occasion, daily meal etc.)
· What meal it is served with/how it’s served
· What other foods accompany this food typically
· Any different versions based on regions/cities/countries
La Flan es un popular postre en Mexico. En Mexico flan es lleno con creme! photo of Flan! In Brazil Flan is filled with Marc instead of custard. In Mexico sweet flan is very popular. England took flan from Latin america and made it less sweet. I got my information from and
Stein L.
Comida- Salsa
1. Salsa is both the italian and spanish word for sauce.
2. This dip has been around for a very long time. people believe the 15th century aztec indians made it in some form.
3. Typical indgredients in salsa include tomotoes, onions, cilantro, lemon and chiles.
4.It is imortant when making salsa that all the ingreidients are fresh.
5.Salsas can be eaten cooked or uncooked.
1)nachos are popular everywhere in clarence high school.
2)their are varies ways to make nachos.
3)in mexico they make it with chiles and other foods
4)in america we make it with cheese and tortilla chips and meat but not alot of meat
5)the ingredients I use were corn totilla and mexican cheese
6)they are made as a snack in mexico
7)nachos originated in piedas Negras,Coahuila mexico
8)ten wives of u.s solider who were out side of fort duncan went shopping but after the resturant closed they came back and Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya made a snack with the only thing he had tortillia and cheese to make nachos
Cardena M.
Mi comida- salsa(ish-ne-pec)
1. picture of authentic mexican salsa
2. ish-ne-pec is a salsa that is originated from the yucatan peninsula.
3. the best salsa to have is fresh made, not canned. it should have fresh veggies including tomatoes, onions, pepper, and cilantro or a type or herb.
4. tomatoes are the main focus of any salsa.
5. salsa is americas favorite mexican condiment!
Turello B.
Orange and Caramel Custard
1) pic-
2)-Ingredients- Uno vaso de azucar, un media vaso de agua, uno vaso de leche, uno vaso de crema, uno cuchara dita de cascara de naranja rallada, tres huevos, tres huevos yemas, y uno tecera de azucar.
3)-orange caramel custard isn't very healthy because it has 538 calories per serving, and 270 mg of sodium.
4)However, it is healthy because it has 14.1 grams of protein!
5)You can make this many different ways. 1)
Comida- salsa
1. Salsas have risen in popularity partly because they are low in cholesterol,fat,and calories.
2. “Salsa” is the Spanish word for sauce.
3. Salsa is a mixture of chopped vegetables, fruits (usually tomatoes) and seasonings that may be cooked or uncooked, is usually not pureed and is served as an accompaniment to a dish.
4. Salsas form a bridge of flavor and texture between the mild cheese of a quesadilla and its flour tortilla base, between the piquant beef in a taco and its corn wrap.
5. Salsa has become the best selling condiment in North America recently pushing tomato ketchup out of the top-selling spotlight.
Shelby Cornell
1. Churros were originally made in Spain but became very popular in Mexico.
2. Named after a breed of sheep because it looked like the horns of it.
3. A churro maker is called a Churrero
(for 2 and 3)
4. The churro is basically a national symbol for Spain, so people who make them are very well respected.
5. Picture
Mulanix C.
comida es salsa.
1. The first person to write of what may have been salsa was Bernardino de Sahagun.
2. In Mexico, salsa is made by hand not bought in a can.
3. Salsa is both the Italian and spanish word for sauce.
4. The most important part of making salsa is having all the ingredients fresh.
5. The history of salsa orginated by the Incas.
1.) originally, gazpacho was food for poor people
2.) tomatoes were not included in gazpacho at first, but are almost always an ingredient now
3.) gazpacho originated in andalusia, spain
4.) the bread for gazpacho is best when it is about a week old
5.) picture:
Comida-Spanish Tortilla
2. It is common through spain and a favorite at Spanish picnics.
3. Served as tapas it is called pincho de tortilla.
4. It can be served both hot and cold.
5. It is eaten for lunch between two pieces of baguette.
1. Beans and rice is a food native to latin america, and some areas of the carribean.
2. They call it arroz y habas,arroz y habas, arroz con habichuelas,or arroz con frijoles
3. It's ingredients are:
a. agua
d. un pemiento cebolla
4. Beans and rice is affordable and nutritous. In hard times many people it it for every meal
5. It is often used in expressions explaining basic necassities
The Mexican pizza is not Mexican in origin, but is actually regionally modified cuisine.La base es generalmente una tortilla hecha de maíz o harina, salsa, salsa para tacos o frijoles refritos en vez de la salsa marinara encuentra en pizzas italianas, queso, generalmente Cheddar o Monterrey Jack, y aderezos, como la carne especiada o jalapeños. Pizzas mexicano también se pueden hacer desde quesadillas después de salsa de tomate e ingredientes han sido añadidos. Estos se refieren a menudo como "quesadillas".
It can be "mexicanized" by adding mexican toppings.Preparation:
Heat oil in a small frying pan. Fry tortillas one at a time and drain on paper towels.
Spread 1/2 of the beans on each tortilla. Top one tortilla with the meat and put the other tortilla on top, bean side down, to sandwich the mixture inside the tortillas.
Spread the taco sauce on the top of the filled tortillas. Add the cheddar to the top and heat under a broiler until cheese is melted.
Sprinkle onions and tomatoes on the top of the melted cheese and serve with a dollop of sour cream.
•2 corn tortillas
•1/2 cup oil
•1/4 cup refried beans
•1/4 cup cheddar
•1/4 cup seasoned ground beef or chicken
•1 tablespoon green onion, chopped
http:// en. pizza
1 paquete floured tortilla mexicana.
2 taza impulsó el azúcar.
la tortilla mexicana de corte en el tamaño deseado se desnuda aproximadamente una pulgada de ancho y tres pulgadas de largo. caliente a la verdura en unas tiras humorísticas de lugar de pan.carefully fritas en el petróleo caliente, marrón y vuelque. este sólo toma un minuto. desagüe en toallas de papel. el lugar impulsó el azúcar en un bolso de papel marrón, la gota refrescó tiras humorísticas en unos cuantos a la vez y darle una sacudida suave.
other places that has bunelos is Cuba turkey India Russia but they have there own in making them.
they are made on ney years eve surved on a thin china plat, but after eating the plate get smashed against the wall then they make a wish for the new year.
Some ingredientes are: cebolla, queso, chiles, comino, sal.
Chile con Queso dip is served as a appetizer or as a snack.
The dip is also served with tortilla chips or any kind of chips.
El Chile con Queso Dip is found in Phoenix, Alaska, Arizona, and also Texas.
Popular tapa
de Mexican origen
a tapa o a harina
inventar 1943
inventar Ignacio Anaya
Me facina tortas locas! depende en donde vives, hay un restaurante que venden....o mejor, puedes hacerlas tu mismo!!
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